Week 8 Beginning 01.03.2021
Week 7 Beginning 22.02.2021
Week 6 Beginning 07.02.2021
Learning around the home ideas
Week 5 Beginning 01.02.2021
This week you will find a weekly overview which gives you all the planning for one week in one place. Get in touch if you have any questions.
Reception Weekly Overview Grid
Little J’s Weekly Overview Grid
Understanding the World-What makes a bed comfy?
Week 4 Beginning 25.01.2021
Class 1 Teams Timetable 25.01.21
Class 1 Jack and the Beanstalk Topic Grid
Week 3 Beginning 18.01.2021
Class 1 Teams Timetable 18.01.21
Class 1 Little Red Riding Hood Topic Grid
Week 2 Beginning 11.01.2021
The Gingerbread Man Topic Grid
Week 1 Beginning 04.01.2021
Once Upon A Time Topic Web Class 1
Colouring Sheet Wheels On The Bus
Colouring Sheets Five Speckled Frogs
Pencil Control Hickory Dickory Dock
Further Activity Ideas Nursery Rhyme Week
Remembrance Day Writing Activity