‘Let us always show respect, friendship, excellence and care in all we do and say. We will love each other as you have loved us.’
Our Mission Statement is at the heart of everything that we do. As a Catholic school, we base all relationships on Gospel Values and they underpin our daily lives in school. We particularly focus on the uniqueness of the child and develop and support each other to grow to our full potential. At St. Joseph’s, children are encouraged to journey beyond their expectations. It is a school where every child has the chance to become the best version of themselves and prepare for a future of possibilities.
Wednesday Word
Please follow the link to find the Wednesday Word Website. The weekly Wednesday Words for this year can be found here
Catholic Social Teaching
At St. Joseph’s, we use the CAFOD principles to help us understand Catholic Social Teaching.
Our children are taught to link Catholic Social Teaching Principles to each of the characters, which gives them a deeper understanding of the forms of Catholic Social Teaching, which is lived out at St. Joseph’s
Sacramental Preparation
Children in Year 4, who are baptised Catholic, are given the opportunity to take part in sacramental preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Sacrament of the Eucharist (first confession and first holy communion). These sessions are run in partnership with the school and parish and celebrated as a whole community.
Community Events
We are called to love God and to love our neighbours, for St. Joseph’s this means making links with our community. We actively involve both our local and parish community wherever possible. This may be through events including coffee afternoons and assemblies, or through our weekly Stay and Play sessions and weekly hymn practice with Mrs Marsh.
Charitable work is central to our school life. At St. Joseph’s, we believe that everybody is made in the image and likeness of God and that nobody should be excluded from the wonderful gift of God’s creation because God loves us all unconditionally.
As a result, we work throughout the year to raise money for a number of charities and worthy causes, some of which include Macmillan Cancer Support, Children in Need, Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and different CAFOD initiatives.
“Charity and love are the same — with charity you give love, so don’t just give money but reach out your hand instead.”- St. Teresa of Calcutta
The Liturgical Year
As an integral part of our Catholic ethos, all pupils are made aware, throughout the school year, of the changes and celebrations relating to the Church’s Liturgical Year. These events are highlighted in our focal areas, in our assembly hall, the prayer space and in every classroom’s focal area. The children are aware of the liturgical changes with the changing colours of our cloths and displays.
We spend time in our Religious Education lessons looking at the events in the churches calendar and we celebrate many of them together through collective worship.
Autumn – Prayer tables and displays across the school are green at the start of the academic year. These are changed to purple during Advent.
Spring – Prayer tables are gold for the Christmas season then green for Ordinary Time after the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. These are changed to purple during Lent.
Summer – Prayer tables are gold for the Easter season until Pentecost where they change to green for Ordinary Time.
Youth Ministry Team
Children in Upper KS2 have had the opportunity to visit the Emmaus Youth Village, led by the Youth Ministry Team. Children in Year 6 also participate in the Diocesan Primary School festival each year.