In Class 3, you will find Mrs Parkinson, working alongside children in Year 3 and Year 4. Class 3 is bursting with creativity, curiosity and fun!
We know Class 3 isn’t just a room – it’s the team that we belong to.
A team where we celebrate differences and strengths.
A team where we encourage enquiring minds and resilience.
A team where we share patience and kindness.
As a team we show an understanding of what it means to wear our school badge: RESPECT, FRIENDSHIP, EXCELLENCE and CARE
We follow these values in all we do and say in the classroom, at break times and outside of school.
Please enjoy looking at our Class Page to see what our learning looks like this year and please look at out our school Facebook page to see what we have been up to.
Our Learning This Year
Please view Our Curriculum, Curriculum Plans and Termly Topic Plans to find out what we are learning about in class.
Parent Newsletters
Come and See Parents Letter Spring 2025