You can view the archived information and work for Class 2 below:
Class Newsletters
Home Learning – Weekly Planning
Summer Term
Week 12 Beginning 13.07.20
Class 2 Phonics Activities 13.07.20
Maths Resources
Year 1 Emoji Code Breaker Number
Year 2 Under the Sea Code Breaker
Week 11 Beginning 06.07.20
Maths Resources
Summer in the UK Resources
History of Seaside Holidays Reading Comprehension
Seasides Past and Present Photopack
Sunshine Dot Painting Template
Week 10 Beginning 29.06.20
Maths Resources
Sports Week Resources
Sports Day Reading Comprehension
Week 9 Beginning 22.06.20
Maths Resources
Week 8 Beginning 15.06.20
Express Yourself Resources
Martin Luther King Reading Comprehension
Maths Resources
Week 7 Beginning 08.06.20
Maths Resources
Week 6 Beginning 01.06.20
Step Back in Time Resources
St Joseph’s being built in 1955
Where Is Our School Activity Sheet
Maths Resources
Activity Cards – Ten More and Ten Less
Week 5 Beginning 18.05.20
Kindness Resources
Captain Tom Reading Comprehension
I am an amazing person activity
Maths Resources
Add-a-2-digit-and-a-1-digit-number-crossing-ten- Y2 Tuesday
Add More Activity Y1 Wednesday
Adding 2 digit numbers Y2 Wednesday
Add-2-digit-numbers-crossing 10 Y2 Thursday
Tens and Ones Activity Y1 Friday
Add-three-1-digit-numbers Year 2 Friday
Week 4 Beginning 11.05.20
RE Background Notes for Parents Y2
Helping Others Resources
Florence Nightingale Comprehension
Florence Nightingale Powerpoint
Florence Nightingale Fact File
Maths Resources
Bonds to 100 (tens) Powerpoint
Bonds to 100 (tens) Activity – Tuesday
Number-Bonds-to-20-Activity Y1
Bonds to 100 tens and ones Powerpoint
Bonds to 100 (tens and ones) Activity
Activity Cards – Number Bonds to 100 tens and ones
Week 3 Beginning 04.05.20
Year 1 and Year 2 VE Day Activities 04.05.20
VE Day Resources
VE Day Reading Comprehension Activity
Week 2 Beginning 27.04.20
Year 1 Week 2 Maths and English 27.04.20
Year 2 Week 2 Maths and English 27.04.20
Class 2 Foundation Subjects menu
Week 1 Beginning 20.04.20
Year 1 Week 1 Maths and English 20.04.20
Year 2 Week 1 Maths and English 20.04.20
Class 2 Foundation Subjects menu
Home Learning – Gallery
p style=”text-align: left;”>As I receive photos of the children doing various activities and challenges at home, I will add them to this Class Blog. I can’t wait to see what they are getting up to.
Miss Macdonald
Week beginning 15th June 2020
Lucy designed a wonderful poster including all the things that make her happy!
Tia enjoyed finding out about Blackhall years ago and what is still here now and what isn’t. She looked at pictures on the internet.
She also looked at the old picture of the school and wrote about what was different now. She then drew a picture of the school now.
Thank you to everyone who sent in lovely messages for Mrs Readman’s retirement this week. We are all going to miss her so much at St Joseph’s!
Week beginning 1st June 2020
Ada has been learning about the pit wheel today and this is Ada’s fabulous drawing of it. Well done Ada!
Lucy has been enjoying the outdoors and has been busy looking for bugs and tadpoles.
After a lovely half term, Lucas has been enjoying his home learning activities this week. He has been completing his phonics, grammar and punctuation games and in maths he has been practicing adding 1 and 10 more. He has also been busy writing about the differences between our school building in 1955 and today.
Week beginning 18th May 2020
Tia has been busy doing maths and phonics everyday. She has enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale. She has written some fabulous facts about her and designed a lamp. Tia’s act of kindness calendar is starting to fill up. She has sent postcards to her family to say how much she is missing them. She has been so helpful around the house, cleaning her room and making her lunch. She is still doing lots of exploring and keeping fit too. Keep up the good work Tia!
Lucy has been enjoying growing her own vegetables. Her radishes are growing really well and I bet they taste great too!
Chloe has been on lots of walks, finding bugs and taking photos of the plants and flowers she likes. She’s also explored the caves and found bits of pot. She has written a story about it coming from a sunken pirate ship. Chloe has also had her very own home school photo taken.
Niall has been busying showing kindness to nature this week by saving a bee. Well done Niall!
James has been having so much fun exploring the outdoors with his sister.
At the weekend Lucas walked to the pit pond and he found some tadpoles. He also found a caterpillar which he brought home with him. He called him Cecil! Lucas has been learning about plurals and then he learnt about Captain Tom in his comprehension activity. Fabulous writing Lucas! He also loved playing the maths alien addition game. Lucas has been reading a lot too.What a busy start to the week!
Week beginning 11th May 2020
This week Lucy and her mam volunteered to deliver 25 care packages for the British Legion of Easington, taking care to stay safe while they did so. Another wonderful act of kindness which shows that Lucy is always following our school values of respect, friendship, excellence and care. We are all so proud of your kind, caring and thoughtful act Lucy!
This week was Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday! Lucas enjoyed learning all about her and completing a fact file about her life. He also loved learning about dentists. He had great fun carrying out a science experiment using oil,water and food colouring too. Great work Lucas!
This week’s theme is Helping Others and Kindness. It is always pleasing when children show our school values – respect, friendship, excellence and care but this week Joseph has really gone the extra mile. He decided to plate up some left over dinner for an elderly neighbour and he delivered it. Then he found out that a neighbour’s dog has recently died and Joseph decided to make them a card and also give them some of his treats. He sneaked up to their house to knock on the door and made sure they picked them up. What thoughtful acts of kindness. You are a credit to Class 2 and St Joseph’s!
Week beginning 4th May 2020
Chloe has been busy celebrating VE Day, drawing, making pizza and completing science experiments. What a fun and busy week!
Tia enjoyed learning about VE Day. She made banners and decided to have a house party. She made cakes and had party food.
Tia also made a postcard and talked about what it would have been like on May 8th 1945. Tia said, “I think people would have been so happy to learn the war was over but also sad because some people will have lost family and friends.” Tia has also been on lots more adventures to the dene and the beach for her daily exercise as well as completing the grow your own rainbow science activity. She has been so busy but she still found time to complete the 5k challenge for charity with her mam. Fantastic!
This week Isla has absolutely loved learning all about VE Day. She watched lots of YouTube videos to find out lots of information.She made her own decorations for her street party, created a menu and had fun making it all in her mud kitchen. She also painted rocks for her grandma, her neighbour and one to leave in Blackhall while she was out on her walk.
While exploring the outdoors this week, Madeleine made a new friend!
Ada has enjoyed learning about VE Day and designed a lovely postcard.
Lucy has been enjoying learning about VE Day this week. She has also been growing her own strawberries, carrots and radishes and getting in plenty of exercise.
Week beginning 27th April 2020
Alongside her school tasks this week, Isla went to the beach to search for sea glass and to look in the caves. She collected sticks and stones to make some fantastic pictures! Such wonderful creativity using natural resources. Isla’s mam and dad have also made her a chalk board for the garden so she can take her school day outside when the sun is shining.Every day she makes a different shop and practices her writing and spelling by creating a menu. She then takes orders and prepares them in her mud kitchen.
Chloe is missing school but she has been busy at home. She has been doing some school work and going for walks on the beach to look for sea glass. She has also been walking along the cliff tops with mam and dad and counting the rings on trees to see how old they are. Chloe has been baking some delicious doughnuts and afterwards she wrote all about it! Well done Chloe!
Evie has been so creative and used a variety of items to create her wonderful seaside collage. Then she wrote sentences explaining what she used. Brilliant work Evie!
Cooking, baking, drawing and writing. A range of fabulous skills! Great work!
Joseph has been looking at lengths of objects on White Rose Maths. He was looking for 5 items that are longer than a metre and 5 items that are shorter. Joseph told his dad that we have 1 metre rulers in the classroom but as they didn’t have one, Joseph improvised by using a large stick that he found, which he thought was about 1 metre! Joseph has also been enjoying Adam Bushnell’s live stories and he has also watched some other Bitesize programmes about history and geography. He has really enjoyed watching Steve Blacksall who is live on YouTube at 9:30 every Wednesday morning talking about wildlife. I’m so pleased that Joseph has been reading on Bug Club too and is planning to do lots more reading to earn more coins!
Lucy has been a super scientist this week and has grown her own rainbows at home. They are beautiful Lucy!
Lucas enjoyed finding things around the house to make a seaside collage for his art lesson. He has also been working on his phonics, writing words with split digraphs.
Madeleine has been using her home learning pack to write about how much she is missing her friends. Well done on working so hard on your writing Madeleine! she has also been creative and has been having fun on the beach whilst getting her daily exercise. She has also been looking after her plant brilliantly, giving it everything it needs to grow.
Tia has been so busy. She has been practicing her phonics online along with some maths. She had lots of fun following a recipe to make funny face pizzas. She also made her picture of the seaside with things she found around the house. Tia says “I wanted my picture to be a sunset which is why I used orange peel. I also used foil and glitter for the sea, sugar for the sand and cotton wool for clouds. I really enjoyed this task.”
Tia also told her mam about The Continent Song we have been learning in class and they listened to it on YouTube.
Tia is walking everyday and one day she saw a deer. Her mam asked her to write a story about this. Well done for remembering full stops and capital letters Tia!
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Lucas was thrilled with his fantastic score when working on fractions this week. I am so impressed! He has also loved finding out about hedgehogs and has written some fabulous facts about them. Well done for remembering to use full stops and capital letters!
Ada has been as artistic and creative as always. Over Easter, she decorated eggs and created some lovely art work. She has also been making sure she gets her daily exercise in too.
As well as doing her school work, Isla has been getting her exercise by joining in with Joe Wicks’ PE lessons and going out for bike rides. She has followed instructions and baked cakes, fudge, brownies, cheesecake and caramel shortbread. Delicious! Isla has enjoyed spending time with her family in the garden and made a fairy garden surrounded by daisies. She has also been thinking of others and has made rainbows for her own windows and for her neighbours. She has been such a superstar helping her mam with jobs around the house too.
Lucy was so excited to start the new term, she even put her school uniform on to complete her work! She has also been enjoying her daily walks. She has been really creative making a beautiful heart out of the sea glass she collected and designing and making her own bug hotel. Lucy has also been reading on Bug Club and answering the comprehension questions.
Lucas has enjoyed his online English lesson on capital letters this morning. Great score Lucas! You have understood which words in a sentence need a capital letter. Lucas has also been learning to count to 10 in French. I love how you have written your numbers down too to help you play La Marelle.
Week beginning 6th April 2020
As part of his daily exercise, Lucas loved looking for crabs at the beach. He also enjoyed searching the house and garden with his brother and following the clues to find prizes on Easter Sunday. Well done Lucas, you must have read your clues brilliantly!
Chloe has been enjoying the first week of the Easter holidays. She has been gardening and looking after her plant brilliantly, ensuring it has everything it needs to grow and stay healthy. Chloe also followed instructions to bake a delicious cake. She has also been getting her daily exercise and went seaglass and pinecone hunting! When she came home, she decided to write a recount about it.Well done for writing in the correct tense Chloe.
Week beginning 30th March 2020
Tia has been so busy this week! She has been looking after her plant. Wow! Look how much it has grown! She has decorated eggs, made biscuits and kept fit with Joe Wicks. She even dressed up as a super unicorn to join in with Joe Wicks on Friday. She has also been busy doing her phonics work. Well done Tia!
James has been busy looking after his broad bean plant. He has remembered what plants need to grow and stay healthy. What a great job James! He has been working hard on tens and ones in maths too. He has also made time to create a beautiful rainbow picture to thank our wonderful NHS.
After working hard on his writing, Niall made time to be creative with some messy play.
Ada continues to look after her plant brilliantly by giving it everything it needs to grow and stay healthy. It’s looking fabulous. Well done Ada!
While he was at the beach, Lucas found a ‘dinosaur leg’. He is busy writing a story about how it might have ended up on the beach in Blackhall! I can’t wait to read it!
Joseph has been concentrating hard on his maths skills especially addition, subtraction and 2D shapes. He has also completed some lovely RE work showing a good understanding of the events of Holy Week. He has been busy looking after his broad bean plant too and what a brilliant job he is doing! Well done Joseph!
Week beginning 23rd March 2020
Niall has worked brilliantly identifying, naming, drawing and labelling the parts of the human body! He has shown a good understanding of the events of Holy Week too. Niall has also enjoyed being active outdoors and getting creative with paint.
Chloe has been enjoying doing PE in her garden in the sunshine. She has also been using paint to mix colours and create beautiful paintings. She’s been working hard on her times tables too!
Lucy has been so active and creative both indoors and outdoors. She has been following instructions to make delicious cakes and created a beautiful, colourful rainbow picture. 🌈
Ada understands what plants need to grow and stay healthy. She has been looking after her plant brilliantly!
What beautiful rainbows Madeleine and Joseph! Such special and important messages.🌈
Such concentration with number work – this is wonderful to see!
Tia has been very busy being creative by painting this beautiful, colourful rainbow with such an important message!
She has also been following Joe Wicks’ daily PE sessions and working hard on her writing. Well done for remembering to start your sentence with a capital letter!
Great work using your phonic knowledge to spell words!
Well done for looking after your plant so well! Lucas has been observing how his plant has changed over time and he understands what plants need to grow and stay healthy.
Joseph has been very active by following PE with Joe Wicks at 9am. This is a great way to keep active each day!
Adding 2 digits together and showing resilience when finding the missing digits. Well done!
Joseph has also been busy reading Bugs In Your Home on Bug Club. He enjoyed the facts about fleas and cockroaches and then paired up the correct fact about each of them. Joseph is amazed that cockroaches can live for a week without their head!
Keep reading everyone!