You can view the archived information and work for Class 3 below:
Class Newsletter
- Class 3 Newsletter Spring Term 2020
- Letter from Miss Coxon 11.05.2020
- Letter from Miss Coxon 20.04.2020
Please complete English and Maths activities daily and choose 3 activities from the Foundation Subjects Grid to complete weekly.
Home Learning – Weekly Planning
Week Beginning 13.07.2020
Continue with the activities on the Summertime grid from last week. Complete the activities from the Maths Grid, the SPaG Grid and the RE activity attached below.
Week Beginning 06.07.2020
For the next two weeks our theme is Summertime.
Complete the Maths activities from the Maths Grid, the SPaG activities in the SPaG Grid and the RE activity attached below.
Week Beginning 29.06.2020
Week Beginning 22.06.2020
Continue with the activities on the Express Yourself grid from last week. Complete the activities from the Maths Grid, the SPaG Grid and the RE activity attached below.
Week Beginning 15.06.2020
This week the activities are based around the theme Express Yourself. Complete the Maths activities from the Maths Grid, the SPaG activities in the SPaG Grid and the RE activity attached below.
Week Beginning 08.06.2020
Step Back in Time 1st-12th June
Week Beginning 01.06.2020
Week Beginning 18.05.2020
Helping Others/Kindness Week 2
Week 4 Beginning 11.05.2020
Helping Others, Kindness Activities
Background Notes for Parents Pentecost
Week 3 Beginning 04.05.2020
Week Beginning 4th May 2020 VE Day
English and Maths
English and Maths Planning Week Beginning 27th April 2020
English and Maths Planning Week Beginning 20th April 2020
English Resources Week Beginning 20th April 2020
Foundation Subjects
Foundation Subject Planning Week Beginning 20th April
As I receive photos of the children doing various activities and challenges at home I will add them to this section of the Class 3 Blog. I can’t wait to see what they are getting up to.
Miss Coxon
Week beginning 13th July 2020
Inspired by the In the Summertime poem Harry created his own. I like the sound of the BBQ and ice-cream.
What shapes can you see on his picture?
Horden Station opened recently, Harry took the time to find out about it and the different opportunities that it would give our local area.
Mia and Isla reminded us how to stay safe in the sun.
Week beginning 6th July 2020
Harry created a brochure to advertise a holiday resort, his use of adjectives really make the resort sort amazing. My favourite has to be picturesque. He made sure that we are well informed on how to stay safe in the sun. Well done Harry.
Mia has been getting in touch with nature in the garden, finding a vole and a snail.
Isla has embraced our summer theme, she has made sure people were safe at the beach by finding the hazards in the picture, created a wonderful model of the Eiffel Tower and a collage whale.
Kai used his computing skills to create this summer scene.
He wanted to remind us how to stay safe in the sun, take a look at his poster.
Week beginning 29th June 2020
Joel really enjoyed our Sports Week, the whole school theme meant he could work together with his brother to create their own sports day. It looks like they had so much fun!
Harry has really enjoyed the sports activities this week , he’s also been practising his spellings and pronouns.
Well done to Isla, Joel, Harry and Isla for handing in SPaG tasks on Purple Mash, I was impressed with the scores.
Times Tables Rock Stars update:
Well done Anya, with a speed of 5 seconds per question your 11 times table is your fastest.
Tommy has now answered 1,979 questions correctly, keep it up!
Congratulations to Harry on answering 4,844 questions correctly.
Week beginning 22nd June 2020
Anya has been busy completing 2Dos on Purple Mash. She has worked on fronted adverbials and punctuation. She also showed off her computing skills and created an amazing animation. Click on the image to have a look.
Harry has been working his way through his activities, he enjoyed making a fish out of leaves. He found the apostrophe mistakes in the signs and created his inner and outer self-portrait.
A big shout out to Harry for upgrading his rock star status to Support Act!
Well done Joel for achieving Breakthrough Artist status!
Thanks to Mercedes for challenging me, you will have to log in to see if you won!
Don’t forget to take a look on the display board for Class 3 on Purple Mash I have shared animations from Isla and Joel.
Dear Miss Coxon
Thanks for doing my quiz I really enjoyed making it. I got your feedback on my work and you can share it. I’ve been drawing loads of things like a shark that’s small but it’s folded and when you unfold it, it gets big JAWS and cartoon characters. I enjoyed doing the acrostic poem of my name and the giraffe story.
From Joel
Week beginning 15th June 2020
It is lovely to see members of Class 3 completing 2Dos on Purple Mash.
Well done Anya, who achieved 100% in the possessive apostrophes task.
Mia used the animation tool to create a rainbow and Joel challenged me with a quiz. I have uploaded both of these to the Class 3 display board for you to look at.
Well done to Joel and Harry who took part in a Times Table Rock Stars session. Between them they achieved an average speed of 3.2 seconds per question.
Inspired by James Brunt Isla used natural resources to create her own work of art. Can you see what it is?
Mia has been expressing herself by painting. She has really enjoyed painting in the sunshine.
Mrs Readman would like to thank everyone for their kindness and messages as she retires from St Joseph’s. She will be a big miss in our school, especially Class 3. We wish her well on her much deserved retirement!
Joel is continuing to work hard at home. He was really happy to have his first MacDonald’s since February. He really enjoyed learning about the local history of Blackhall.
Isla created a self-portrait of her inner and outer self. On one side is how she looks and the other is filled with her interests, hobbies and favourite things.
Week beginning 8th June 2020
Harry shared some facts about Blackhall, I was really impressed with his use of geographical language. He mapped out the future Blackhall, my favourite thing has to be the helicopter pad!
Joel completed a family tree, PowerPoint about Blackhall pit and reported on the Blackhall whale. He has been going outdoors on beach trips, bike rides and kite flying. He has been really helpful and has worked with Kurt on some of his tasks. I was delighted to receive a postcard from Joel, he had drawn a picture of the Hardwick Hotel on the front.
Hi Miss Coxon,
I have been helping my dad to put decking down. I done the measurements for my Dad where he needed to cut the wood and where he had to fix parts together.
I have done my family tree. I asked both of my nannas about their families from the old days. My great grandad worked down the mines using the pit wheels.
I have enjoyed doing subtractions this morning.
See you soon
Week beginning 1st June 2020
This week would have marked the start of the second half of the summer term. I have started to ring families and have even managed to speak to some of you. Don’t worry if I haven’t been in touch yet, I haven’t forgotten.
It has been lovely to hear what you have been up to, from learning to ride bikes, to playing board games and even some of you getting pets.
“I learnt to ride my bike.”
“Happy after his call from Miss Coxon.”
Isla created a newspaper report on the discovery of the Blackhall whale. She then made the paper look old, I wonder how she did that? Isla made some exciting vocabulary choices in her work; my favourites are ‘colossal’ and ‘witnessing’.
Harry really enjoyed kindness week and has been really interested in learning all about his village and the history! He found out about the history of Pieroni’s Corner, made a postcard to promote Blackhall and created a newspaper article about the Blackhall whale.
One way he thought he could help his community is by not dropping litter, what a good idea!
Mia thought about the idea that we are making history and created a newspaper report about Covid 19. This is something that we could use to show the future children at St Joseph’s about the year 2020.
Well done Joel, Isla, Mia, Harry and Kai for completing the spelling quiz on Purple Mash. All achieved fantastic scores.
Week beginning 25th May 2020
Well done Anya, excellent scores on Purple Mash!
Week beginning 18th May 2020
Isla was proud to share her RE and maths work!
I have noticed the ‘pit pond’ has been a popular place for many families to visit. Inspired by his visit Alix created his own frog life cycle. He has also investigated abstract nouns and used them in sentences.
Leighton has been in touch to share his work. He completed his home learning pack, painted boiled eggs at Easter and made his own tributes to say thank you to the NHS. He has also carried out a sound survey, cracked a maths code and completed a science experiment using Skittles.
He has even found time to get creative by using different resources to build. I particularly like the Lego glasses.
Week beginning 11th May 2020
Harry has enjoyed learning about Pentecost and Florence Nightingale, he watched the video which helped a lot when writing his biography and he’s also been learning about noun phrases.
Hi Miss Coxon,
I have been doing some shadow drawings of my favourite toys. Me and my sister Millie used the last of our Easter eggs to make a chocolate cake, we pinched some chocolate. I designed a robot and have started to build it. I have also been practising my timetables.
From Kai
Kai enlisted the help of his sister to complete his Florence Nightingale Mash Cam.
As always Alix likes to get creative when working. His picture captures the appreciation the nation is showing for the people who help us on a Thursday at 8pm. He got all of the features of a police vehicle in his drawing and got creative with his sister by making a smiley face of stones in the sand.
Mia has put her English skills to the test in a game of Scrabble, I wonder if she won? She has used Top Marks Daily 10 to develop her mental maths skills and used this week’s spellings to create a glossary.
Not only has Elliot been completing school work and doing his daily exercise, he has also been cooking.
Look at the wonderful pizza he made.
As it was International Nurses Day this week, Isla choose to write about her Grandma, who is a nurse. She wrote about what her job role is and the hours that she works. Isla then put herself into Florence Nightingale’s shoes.
She has also been hard at work practising her spellings, using a quiz on Purple Mash and then using the words to create a glossary.
Mia was very proud as she let her butterflies go, they seemed to like the flowers in her garden. Mia has also put her self into Florence Nightingale’s shoes and completed a spelling quiz on Purple Mash.
Week beginning 5th May 2020
Annabell wanted to share these photographs of her VE Day learning. She decorated her window, made scones (that look delicious) and created a Spitfire plane. On May 4th she celebrated Star Wars Day with James.
Elliot and Nathan created their own VE Day tribute.
Dear Miss Coxon
This week I’ve been doing a Lego challenge. It was really fun and I’ve made a space rocket a roller coaster and a Lego house for my Mam and Dad. Me and Kurt have been getting ready for V.E Day and we had a party in our street, we made lines to stay safe. Me and Kurt and Dad made a Spitfire plane. I’ve painted lots on Union Jacks for our decorations. I made some on postcards for my family. We made lots of gingerbread men. I decorated them myself.
From Joel
Mia wanted to share some news with everyone this week. One of her caterpillars has emerged from its chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly.
Harry has been very busy exploring VE Day. He has written a report about a nurse’s experience of VE Day, made a spitfire plane and created his own war poster using Kevin the carrot. Harry has also made bunting and banners ready for Friday.
Kevin the carrot says, “Grow your own veg and win the war.”
Isla created a short news report about VE Day. I like how she has included a quote.
Lennon has been practising his maths, particularly times table and Roman numerals. He is also continuing to read and is currently reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Meltdown.
There are lots of different resources on Purple Mash linked to VE Day and WW2. Kai used his computing skills to add his face to an image and created text to go with it. He put himself into the shoes of an evacuee and wrote a postcard to send home.
Just like they would have done during the war Mia has been baking scones. They look delicious! Mia said she had a scone with cream and her Mam and sister really liked them.
Week beginning 27th April 2020
Alongside accessing our online work Elliot has completed his times tables grid, from the photograph I can see he has them right so far! I wonder what his final score was? Skipping is an excellent way to keep fit , back in March we had a session in school and Elliot has been really keen to skip at home for his daily exercise.
Anya has developed green fingers as she has planted pansies and peppers, this is a great opportunity to explore what plants need for life and growth. She has been developing her artistic skills using paint to create patterns on tissue. I love how she has captured the detail of the dots.
Harry has written his own version of The Cave. He varied the adjectives used to describe the objects found. My favourites were mysterious and glistening. He has also made use of the wonderful environment Blackhall has to offer by visiting the pond for his daily exercise. While there he has been amazed at the different animals he has seen.
Well done to Tommy who has earned over 15,000 coins, I wonder what he will spend them on? Isla and Mia are both getting faster at answering questions especially within the 4 times table. Congratulations to Harry, he has earned ‘Unsigned Act’ status and a new studio speed of 6.9 seconds per question.
I know lots of children have been reading this week. Joe has been enjoying Beast Quest, Anya, Harry and Isla have been reading Whose is this? While Kai and Annabell choose non-fiction texts.
Adam and Mercedes used the painting tools on Purple Mash to create a rainbow as a way to spread hope and joy to everyone!
Mia has been practising her times tables and helping out in the garden. It looks like that was tiring work Mia!
Isla has been working hard this week, converting fractions to decimals, ordering money and drawing a representation of the poem ‘The Cave’. Inspired by Monet’s picture ‘Sunflowers’ Isla created her own version which she is very proud of.
Bobbie has been very busy, she has been getting her daily exercise by walking her dog, while out they found a frog this was really handy as it linked in with Bobbie’s work on animals.
Lennon has been completing his work linked to his family, he has been finding out the origin of his name. He has visited the beach as part of his daily exercise routine and even camped in the garden to watch the meteor shower, that sounds like so much fun!
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Well done to Harry, Joel, Elliot and Mercedes on completing an ordering decimals activity on Purple Mash. I was really impressed with the scores.
From Lennon’s pictures I can see he has been active and creative. He made some Forest Friends, when finished he sent them to his cousin in Leeds, who’s 3. They are learning about shape and size so these will really help.
He has been getting his daily exercise by walking the dog, walking to the beach banks (where he has left some stones he painted) and walking to the beach, where he found a crab. He made a gingerbread house and a Lego model that generates a story on an app when scanned. I wonder what the story was about?
Joel has been busy over Easter exploring his creative side, he used palm leaves from the garden to weave and there was lots of painting and Easter related crafts. He and his family even found time to do a bit of stargazing from their garden.
Kai has been working alongside his sister to complete some of his home learning pack. I think he has enjoyed it, what do you think?
Week beginning 30th March 2020
After finishing her multiplication grid Annabell used it to help her complete a multiples dot to dot. She also found time to create her own rainbow for the NHS.
Thank you for your challenges on Times Table Rock Stars, look out for my responses!
Week beginning 23rd March 2020
This week Joel has completed a times table square daily and hand written postcards for people in the community. He has also been baking, drawing, painting and building dens. He also completed a junk model challenge, where he designed and made a model with resources he found around the house.
Isla has been busy adding 4-digit numbers and developing her cursive handwriting. She worked alongside her sister while she created a setting description.
Thanks to Mia for sharing some photographs and her recount from Monday. Well done for writing in the correct tense.
Day at the beach
Today my Grandma and Granddad and I went to the beach but there were no other people there. We found a dead crab and we found a sea shell and we found a shoe. Now I will tell you about the weather, it was sunny and warm at first then it got windy and cold that is when we decided to go home we were thinking of looking in the caves but it got too windy so we just went straight home. I hope that you now know about my day at the beach thank you for listening.
By Mia