Books are huge part of daily life in Class 1. To celebrate World Book Day we chose one of our favourites ‘The Day the Crayons quit’ and then used this for inspiration to create our own t-shirts.
Books are huge part of daily life in Class 1. To celebrate World Book Day we chose one of our favourites ‘The Day the Crayons quit’ and then used this for inspiration to create our own t-shirts.
We have really enjoyed World Book Day.
We designed our own crowns, bookmarks, bunting and KS2 read to us.
Inspired by the book ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ Little J’s made a shopping list of the ingredients we needed to make pancakes.
This afternoon we then made and tasted our wonderful pancakes, mmm!
We had fun using our science skills and knowledge to make our own switches to work in a circuit. We used lots of different materials like card, paper clips, split pins and string to make them and we had lots of very clever and creative ideas. Well done Class 3!
To celebrate World Mental Health Day, we thought about everything we have achieved so far in class 3. We made a ‘growing together wall’, each brick shows something that each one of us has grown in this year.
Class 3 have been busy investigating the properties of different materials. They used a circuit to find out which materials are conductors and which are insulators.
Today we used traditional Greek ingredients to make Pelanos Bread. In Ancient Greece, people would make this bread to eat at a festival to celebrate the Goddess of the earth, Demeter. We have some very talented bakers in Class 3, here they are showing off their skills!
We have been very lucky to have a new role play kitchen in Class 1. It has been very popular with all of the children and we look forward to see how our play develops after half term.
Some of the children worked with others, to collect resources and develop their own role play story line.
On this occasion they were playing ‘teachers’
They each took on a role one as the teacher and the rest as students. They collected the appropriate resources and then started their play. During the play the children were observed reenacting lessons that they had been apart of across that week.
“Let’s pass this round and have a look.”
“What do you think this is?”
“Is it you?”
“Yes, well done here’s a sticker.”
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