Welcome to this section of our website. Here you will find information about how we work as part of St. Joseph’s Parish.
Every week we receive a copy of our Parish bulletin, you can find it on our home page. On the bulletin you will find opportunities to worship. In addition to opportunities to worship in church you are also welcome to come to Mass with us on a Monday morning, join us for Collective Worship on Tuesday mornings in school at 8.45a.m. and join our whole school assemblies on a Friday afternoon (dates are shown on our Diary dates letter, shown here).
As well as working with our Parish community we also work with other Catholic Primary schools in East Durham as part of our Arched group. We have opportunities to play together, worship together and go on residentials and visits together. We also work closely with our Catholic Comprehensive School, St. Bede’s Peterlee. Please follow the link below to visit their school website and learn more about them.
First Holy Communion
Lucy from Year 4 received the sacrament of Holy Communion on Saturday 29th June. She had a fabulous day. Thanks to those who came along to offer prayerful support for this very special journey.
Bishop Robert Byrne
Children from St. Mary the Virgin council were very lucky to meet our new Bishop, Robert Byrne at a special welcoming mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in Newcastle. It was a wonderful Mass which was attended by children from all of the schools in the Diocese. After the service the children were able to have their photographs taken with the Bishop.
Easter Preperation
As part of our Easter preparations Class 4 children illustrated the Stations of the Cross. The whole school had an Easter craft morning which took place in the hall and parents/carers came along to help. The highlight of our preparations was our re-enacting of The Stations of The Cross. This was a very moving experience and parents/carers and some of our parish community came along to join our celebration. We then announced the winners of our Easter Craft morning.
St Joseph’s Feast Day
We celebrated our Patron Saint, St. Joseph’s Feast Day by attending Mass and all were invited back to school for refreshments. 2018 is the year of Mary and we invited our visitors to say a prayer and add their names on the cross which is part of our display for the month of March.
Youth Friday
Sophie and Olivia attended this year’s Youth Friday gathering at St Mary’s Cathedral at Newcastle. This is a celebration of how fabulous our young people are and was attended by Primary Schools throughout the Diocese and Bishop Seamus.
Year of Mary
This is the Year of Mary and each month we are focusing on a different virtue eg: loving, being charitable and being obedient. We are praying with Mary for something different each month. We pray for families, the sick, the needy and hungry and much more.
Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. During the season of lent we are preparing through prayer. We are saying sorry and almsgiving.
During the season of Advent, a time for waiting and preparing, children from each class take turns nightly to share the Travelling Crib with their family. They complete activities together and bring them back to school to share with the class and put into our Travelling Crib file.
Father Ian Jackson, our Parish Priest and Mrs Susan Wilson, our School Chaplain help us ensure that prayer and worship are at the heart of the life of our school.