Home Learning
Home Learning Ideas 23.03.2020
During school closure, please keep checking for any updates on this page.
Keeping Active
Monday to Friday Joe Wicks -The Body Coach will be posting daily PE lesson style workouts at 9am.
To support mathematics Gareth Metcalfe from http://www.iseemaths.com/ will be broadcasting daily lessons for KS2 from 9am.
White Rose Maths are offering 5 free maths lessons per week. These lessons are broken down into year groups.
Story Writing
Choose an image from the website below to inspire your writing. Use your exercise book to write a story.
Visit the Spelling Frame website to practice Year 3/4 spelling. There are lots of free interactive games.
Follow the link to discover free virtual tours of world museums, educational sites and galleries.
Non-screen ideas
Creative Ideas