General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) become law on 25th May 2018.
The school is working towards ensuring that all our practices relating to data protection are compliant with the new laws, this has included:
- Conducting a self-assessment of readiness for GDPR.
- Reviewing all documentation from Gov.UK, ICO, IRMS Toolkit.
- Completion of an in-depth audit, checked by Mrs Johnston, Administration Manager, of all data processing in the school.
- Attendance at training for GDPR readiness from Local Authority and Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.
- All staff have completed in-house training on GDPR.
- Reissue of letters for photography of children.
- Reissue of Privacy Notices for anyone associated with the school.
- Issue of OPT-IN email for information about the school.
- Regular meetings to work through the 12 steps to the GDPR.
- Information for staff, governors and parents in letters, meetings and emails.
- Review of contracts with our suppliers.
- Requests of privacy notices from all our IT providers, e.g. Parentmail, ParentPay, IT hosting, SIMS etc.
- Review of policies: Data Protection; Freedom of Information etc.
The Privacy Notice are included in the noticeboard on the school yard. If you would like a hard copy, please see Mrs Johnston in the office.
The Data Protection Officer for our school is Mr Darren Hobson, who can be contacted via the school office.
Click here to go to our policies page for any relevant GDPR policies