We had such a fun gymnastics lesson on Thursday. We warmed our bodies up by being superheroes then practised our travelling, rolling, jumping and balances ready to perform our gymnastics sequences next week.
We had such a fun gymnastics lesson on Thursday. We warmed our bodies up by being superheroes then practised our travelling, rolling, jumping and balances ready to perform our gymnastics sequences next week.
We enjoyed celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week on Thursday 11th February. Our theme was ‘Growing Together’ where we each thought about how we had grown since September and what we could do now that we could not do before. We also thought about our goals for the future and what we want to be when we grow up.
Each class helped to plant a plant to remind us of the day where we learned about mental health and how we can grow a healthy mind. We enjoyed listening to our favourite Disney music and had juice and a biscuit too!
To link in with the theme ‘Growing Together’ we talked about how we have changed since we were born.
“The baby doesn’t have teeth I have.”
“He can’t walk we need to hold him.”
“I can put my socks on by myself now.”
We finished the day with a lovely treat of juice and a biscuit.
This morning we listened to the story Digiduck and the Magic Castle.
Throughout the story we thought about how they different characters were feeling and we used colours to reflect different emotions.
The children then had some advice for Digiduck.
“Always ask a grown-up.” Erin
“Never tell your friends your password.” Arthur
This afternoon we joined with Class 2 and took part in some fun and games with our computing resources. The challenges were led by our Digital Leaders and the children showed lots of respect as they listened carefully and took turns. A wonderful afternoon was had by all.
“I liked the Bee Bots I was moving them around.”
Ahna, EYFS
“We have been learning about being safe on the internet.”
Koby, EYFS
“Ben helped me to put the algorithm in to get to the space ship.”
Charlotte, KS1
“Learning how to keep safe on the internet helps us.”
Marnie, KS1
“It was fun because we did coding on the laptops.”
Kurt, KS1
“The Beebots were fun because we worked as a team.”
Ella, KS1
We learned a lot for Safer Internet Day today. We know how to keep safe online.
We celebrated how fantastic computing can be with class 1 in a coding carousel.
On Tuesday 8th February we will be joining schools and youth organisations across the UK in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2022. Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to join together in helping to create a better internet.
Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote at St. Joseph’s and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year. Some of the activities we’ll be participating in can be found on our website.
We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation
at home. To help you with this, you may be interested in downloading the free Safer Internet Day Education Pack for Parents and Carers which is available at: saferinternet.org.uk/sid-parents.
There are top tips, quizzes and films which you can use at home with your child.
Some other resources which you may find helpful in supporting your child online are:
Online safety is an important issue which as a school we’re committed to teaching our children about.
If you have any concerns or questions about keeping your child safe online, please do get in touch.
We are the handwriting heroes today.
Last week we made a home for the birds in our garden this week we created our very own bird hide where we can observe any birds that come into our garden.
The children were patient when using the area, as there wasn’t always any birds. They observed carefully what was happening and recorded what they saw.
As we continue to learn about our local area, we moved onto comparing it to our capital, London. Following on from discussions with the children we focused on looking at Buckingham Palace.
We looked at lots of photographs and talked about the different shapes we could see and the materials that we thought it was made from.
This inspired the children to make their own version of the palace. What do you think?
We then talked about the similarities and differences between our house and the palace. The children used paintings of their houses to compare the two places.
Throughout what we do in school we promote British Values. This week the children voted on the games that they wanted to play as part of a joint PE lesson.
First they took part in a vote, each child collected their voting slip and choose their favourite game and then placed it in the ballot box.
The votes were then counted by Mrs Wilson, the children couldn’t wait to find out the result.
Once the votes were counted and revealed the children enjoyed taking part in a selection of games chosen by them.
A great afternoon was had by all.
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.