As the weather begins to change it doesn’t stop our children exploring the outdoors.
They have been:
- taking risks
- showing curiosity
- mark marking, without a pencil
- developing vocabulary.
As the weather begins to change it doesn’t stop our children exploring the outdoors.
They have been:
Friday is our favourite day – why wouldn’t it be when we get do fun things with Mr Baker from Scout Ed?!?
From measuring out a woolly mammoth to using nature to help us with Place Value – we love having outside as part of our learning space.
On Friday 9th October the whole school are taking part in ‘Hello Yellow’ to help celebrate World Mental Health Day. Therefore, alongside the different activities going on in all our classes from Nursery to Year 6, we are asking the children to come into school wearing something yellow.
Please see the letter about the event From Mrs Hoggarth our PSHE Lead.
Please see the letter below inviting our Y6 parents and carers to a Zoom meeting for a Q & A session with staff.
We took some time in the fresh air to make a start on improving our Rainbow Garden. It’s been a bit neglected of late but we’ve had some good ideas of what we can do to bring it back to it’s former glory!
This week our book told the story of a little girl as she grew up. We watched her go from a baby to being able to walk, talk and go on to become a runner and win a medal.
We looked at our baby photos, the children loved guessing who each photo was.
I wonder if you can guess.
We talked about how we have changed and the things we can do that we couldn’t before.
“I had black hair, it turned yellow,” Emily.
“Look at my spiky hair,” Ben.
“I don’t look the same, I am bigger now,” Lewis
Eden said she could crawl and cry when she was a baby.
We are so proud of how our class of little learners have come back to school. You are all superstars! Everyone is trying hard to be the best that they can be. Well done!
A special well done to anyone who has earned a proud cloud this week.
Watch this space for pictures of what we have been up to so far.
This week we introduced some new resources to our outdoor environment, we had a great time exploring.
We collected items from around the garden and mixed them together to create meals for our friends.
The rain didn’t stop us, we collected rain water and added it to our creations.
Please see these important letters from Durham County Council about gathering at school gates and from Public Health England regarding Covid symptoms and when to seek a test.
Durham County Council Letter to Parents & Carers 23.09.20
PHE Letter to Parents & Carers 23.09.20
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.