To Remember those who are no longer with us (in particular those lives lost in the armed forces), some of Class 4 have created a video reading of the poem ‘Flanders Field’.
They also held a Liturgy to reflect and remember our loved ones.
Today, Class 4 took part in a sponsored Fun Run event. All children completed the challenge which was finished off by enjoying a ‘sweet treat’- Yum!
To demonstrate their understanding of negative numbers, Class 4 have created some Halloween themed board games to test each others knowledge.
In Science, this week Class 4 have been investigating the effects of exercise on the heart rate. They tested various forms of exercise to see which had the most impact.
In D&T the children in Class 4 have designed and made a savoury snack inspired by the spring roll.
Most children thoroughly enjoyed their snack!
To celebrate world mental heath day. Class 4 have worn yellow and used some props to create their own photo booth.
Class 4 have created some beautiful weaving in Art today using natural materials found in our school grounds.
In PSHE, Class 4 have used the book ‘The Dot’ to explore emotional well being and demonstrate that they can all show resilience.
They have created a fantastic display to showcase their amazing ‘dot’ artwork.
Class 4 have been watching the progress of the Wild Garden. They have taken some before and after shots and are loving having some extra space to play.
Class 4 have been working on place value using concrete apparatus to demonstrate our understanding.
“It was fun to show the numbers in the place value columns with the cereal”
Alfie L
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.