We hope you liked our Easter cards. We tried really had with our collage work and the finished product looked fabulous.
We hope you liked our Easter cards. We tried really had with our collage work and the finished product looked fabulous.
It was a very wet day but that did not stop us. We had a great time making Easter bunnies from natural materials and toasting marshmallows on the fire pit.
We had a lovely day celebrating ‘Down Syndrome Awareness Day’ We came to school wearing odd socks, made our own odd socks and went on an odd sock hunt! We learnt that being different is fun and that it would be a very boring world if we were all the same!
All you need is a pallet, music, accessories and children from Class 1 and you have your own show. After inviting the rest of the class to watch the children danced and sang their hearts out.
Miss Coxon
Mrs Hall
Today we went round to the garden to carry out some observational drawing. We all found a spot and looked at our surroundings, we then set to work drawing.
Being outdoors is an important part of our learning in Class 1. Take a look at what we have been up to this week.
Class 2 have had an amazing first week as a class family.
We always love a Friday especially when it’s Feel Good Friday!
Here we are enjoying our Friday biscuit treat.
We have really enjoyed our class book, ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers. It has led us to explore the Solar System and create our own mini Solar System.
We had great fun today in our outdoor learning session with Mr Baker. We made our own mud paint and paintbrush and painted the school grounds. We also investigated interesting things that we found on our school field.
It was lovely to welcome all of Class 1 back today. The children have had lots of fun catching up with friends, exploring the areas and sharing news.
“I like coming to school.” Marnie
“I liked playing with the cars.” Joseph
“ I love playing in the blocks with Eden.” Lewis
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.