We love our visits to the local library. Mrs Close reads us a story and this week it was all about hats and sharing things. We got to wear different types of hats from the story.
We love our visits to the local library. Mrs Close reads us a story and this week it was all about hats and sharing things. We got to wear different types of hats from the story.
Class 3 and Class 4 had an amazing day at the Skipping Festival.
St. Joseph’s came first and won the gold award. We also had a lot of individual gold, silver and bronze awards.
We are very proud of you all. Well done to all of the children who took part in the festival.
Class 2 enjoyed a trip to Beamish to explore what life was like in Victorian times. We had a lesson from a Victorian teacher and we even wrote on chalk boards.
As part of our provision we encourage the children to get involved in gardening. Over the year we have planted and looked after plants and vegetables.
This week our potatoes were ready to be harvested.
On Thursday we prepared, cooked and tasted our home grown potatoes.
Making a shopping list for things we needed.
They were a big hit in class.
We then carried out a survey of which potatoes everyone liked the best.
Butter was the clear winner.
To fill the space in the garden the Little J’s have been busy planting some pumpkin seeds and moving some of our herbs into pots. Some of the Reception children measured the planter to ensure it would be big enough to allow the pumpkins to grow.
We made our own crowns.
Please see below, information for support available to families with a child or young person with emotional or mental health difficulties.
Today we celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee, dressed in red, white and blue we managed to get a photograph with the Queen and had a fantastic ‘street party’ style lunch.
“This is the best day ever.” Isla
“I love this dinner.” Phoebe
After our visit to the building site it was great to see how this experience enhanced the play in Class 1.
When playing in the provision the children remembered their hi vis jackets.
They were observed imitating the brick laying process.
They worked together to create houses using books for inspiration.
© 2025 Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust.