Mission Statement
We are very proud of our school’s mission statement that was written by our children. Our mission statement is at the core of everything we do and say at St. Joseph’s.
With all your help and guidance, let us always show respect, friendship, excellence and care in all we do and say.
We will love each other as you have loved us.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to provide a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment where children are happy and want to learn. We seek to live out the Gospel Values, including love, tolerance and respect and we recognise and value every child as a unique and precious individual. We believe in an ethos where children of all faiths (or no faith) and cultures are welcome.
Our vision is to provide the highest quality of education, inspiring everyone towards achieving excellence. Through an exciting and broad curriculum, we want our children to be confident, inquisitive, compassionate, honest and successful. As part of our curriculum offer, we value regular outdoor learning experiences which develop resilience, cooperation and independence.
At the end of Primary School, children will leave us ready and prepared to meet the challenges of the next phase of their education, having been provided with the best opportunities to be successful citizens of the future. They will have high aspirations and understand that there is a future of possibilities.
Our School Values
From our mission statement and vision, our school values were chosen by the whole school community:
- Respect-appreciate uniqueness and supporting sustainable relationships
- Friendship-trust, support and compassion and empathy
- Excellence-inspiring all to continually strive to be the best versions of themselves
- Care-love one another in all we do and say
The children wear these values on their uniform with pride and are central to the day to day life at St Joseph’s.