Miss Coxon had been shopping at the weekend and needed some help to carry her heavy bag.
Reception were happy to help and they all had a go at lifting the bag. They were curious as to what was inside.
We emptied the bag to see why it was so heavy, we all got the chance to hold each of the items. We then put them in order from heaviest to lightest.
The next day we decided to test how heavy the items were, together they decided to see if they had to use one hand or two to hold it. When they tested and agreed they recorded their results on the board.
Miss Coxon introduced the scales and showed the children how they worked, they very quickly were able to say the heaviest object was the lowest side of the scales. We tested some of our blocks and made predictions about their weight.
“I think it will be heavier.”
Then Miss Coxon challenged reception to find objects that were heavier and lighter than her block and pan, they accepted this challenge with excitement and were very successful.