This week we took part in World Nursery Rhyme Week. Nursery rhymes help us to develop our vocabulary, language, literacy skills and maths skills. Each day we will focus on a different nursery rhyme and have different activities and opportunities avaliable in class. More information can be found here.
Miss Polly had a Dolly
This week we changed our role-play area into a doctor’s surgery.
The children took on a variety of roles and made links with their experiences. We heard lots of vocabulary throughout the week.
“My baby is getting her flu jab.” Emmie”
”Who’s next?” Charlotte
Writing played a big part in their play, taking messages, making appointments and writing prescriptions.
Hickory Dickory Dock
We practised our programming skills to see if we could get the mouse up the clock.
Five Little Speckled Frogs/Old McDonald Had A Farm
We used the parachute alongside our nursery rhymes in PE. The children enjoyed ‘jumping into the pool’ and being in the farm.
Wheels on the Bus
The children checked the timetable to see what time the bus was coming. They waited patiently for it to arrive.
The driver checked the tickets before letting the passengers on the bus. The passengers were all going to different places.
“I’m going to Africa,” said Charlotte.
“I am going to the beach.” Emily