Welcome back to our first remote summer term! We hope that you have enjoyed some happy and relaxing days over the holidays.
As you are aware, over Easter, we have developed our new ‘home learning’ provision which can be found on the school website. Hopefully, you have found it useful and easy to access. Our intention is to change the English and maths weekly and the other activities every 3 weeks.
Please remember that while we are setting these tasks to support children’s learning and help maintain routine, we recognise, as mentioned previously, that many of you are also working from home or are facing other challenges. Please just do what you can and allow the children to do what they can without worrying.
While we can’t say yet when we’ll be able to open the school fully, rest assured that we are here for you and your children over the coming days and weeks. You are doing an amazing job to support your children’s well-being and learning.
To the children-we love seeing examples of your learning at home-keep sending them in as we miss you in school and they make us smile! Remember to show respect, friendship, excellence and care in all you do and say!