Our school is built on Gospel values and Respect, Friendship, Excellence and Care. You will see these on our new school badge designed by our children. At the centre of our badge, like the heart of our school is the cross of Saint Cuthbert, the symbol of our Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. The colours of the words Respect, Excellence, Friendship and Care reflect our Gem Project developing the whole child, building their resilience and enabling them to strive for excellence.
Our new Mission Statement was launched at the beginning of this term. This was written by our children and is to help us to always focus on Respect, Friendship, Excellence and Care and our love for God.
We will be saying this as our school prayer every day and wanted to share it with you. It will be displayed all around school. Everyone is trying really hard to learn it off by heart.
The Mission Statement is:
Dear God,
With all your help and guidance let us always show respect, friendship, excellence and care in all we do and say.
We will love each other as you have loved us.